The following entry is dedicated to Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.
There are lots of arguments and misconceptions about the world of science. Some think that science is is a cult whose initiates seek to rid the world of imagination and replace it with metal and godless machines. Others think that science is experimentation on nature or imposing man's will where it doesn't belong. Still others think that science is the one and only truth and anything that is not branded as such isn't worth knowing. What is science really? Science is the "
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation." That's another way of saying that science is all all the information we know about the world around us that is based purely on witnessing things happen. We can witness something a lot of different ways; we can see it happen in front of us, we can see the evidence of its happening in the past and use that evidence to reconstruct the events, or sometimes we can even apply rules that we know to be true in other cases to a situation to uncover evidence that would otherwise be hidden to us.
The roots of science are tied to a man named Aristotle, who deviated from many of his predecessors who would sit around and think about how the world should be rather than study the behaviors and patterns of nature to learn about how the world is. Science tells us how iron will react when it is exposed to oxygen. Science tells us the temperature and pressure at which liquid waters transforms into steam. Science tells us how hard to hit a brick wall with a car to break through. If the pattern is too complex or its behavior can't be witnessed, then it falls outside the realm of what science is. Science can't tell us who will be elected President 40 years in the future. Science can't tell us the exact number of oxygen molecules in a state park. Science can't determine whether two people should marry (sorry, eHarmony).
To say that something is not science is not an insult, but rather a statement of fact that a method's principles do not align themselves with science's practice of studying the world through the observation physical events. To say that composing a song is not science is no more insulting than saying that it is not sandwich-making or fishing. Plenty of things aren't science and we don't care that they aren't science. Art isn't science and we really don't care one shred. History isn't science and yet we still keep it around. Philosophy isn't science. Poetry isn't science. Hollywood movie-writing isn't science (though maybe it should be given the kinds of movies that are being produced...). Baseball isn't science. One other thing which isn't science? Intelligent Design. The idea of Intelligent Design is, in fact, the ontological argument repackaged for the 21st century. Intelligent Design does not draw upon physical evidence in the world but rather makes an intuitive leap from observing the complexity of natural phenomena and claiming that it must have been created. Since the evidence of an "Intelligent Designer" cannot be observed, the concept necessarily makes itself ineligible to fall under the category of "Science."And that's fine. It may very well be a correct and profitable view of the world. All I ask is that you understand what you're saying...or at the very least, thinking. Just don't misinterpret philosophy (or "religion" if you prefer to think of it as such) as science.
Would you really want the following non-scientific concepts to be taught as science? The Flat Earth T-shirt is rather cute, but I don't need the idea taught as being on equal footing with our modern view of the Earth.
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